
Leading University and Companies

About Us

Learn New Skills To Go Ahead For Your Career.

Cultivating expertise, acumen, and entrepreneurship via hands-on learning, industry engagement, and a robust entrepreneurial culture.

Our Mission

To provide young individuals with competency based transformative higher education which enables them to be responsible business leaders

Our Vision

Impart a combination of domain skills, business acumen and entrepreneurial traits using a competency based education system, augmenting this with experiential learning activities through extensive industry interaction and providing a comprehensive entrepreneurial ecosystem that grooms our graduates into becoming job creators

" What I hear, I forget, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand."

Principal's Message

An Institution is not just a place for one’s academics but also to find the inner-self and discover your abilities in various aspects.

Celebrate life in all its dimensions; cultivate a sense of gratitude and a deeper appreciation for the journey we are on. So let us take a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate the gift of existence, for it is in these moments of celebration that we truly find solace and inspiration.   In celebrating life, education and experience plays a very major roleto make the life complete. At Rathinam College of Liberal Arts and Science at Rathinam @ Kovilpalayam we strongly believe practice makes a man perfect who blends with education and experience in academics, trainings, placements, Extra and co-curricular activities which helps the students to become a more responsible to face the needs and challenges of the society.Creating Responsible Business Leaders allows us to use their skills to build systemic change within our communities and society more broadly.

To achieve this, we strongly feel that a paradigm shift in the minds of all stake holders should take place so that when the college becomes the hub to initiate and formalize Education it has its tenets enshrined in a good value system; the extension of which is thereby taken home where it is further strengthened. And our commitment to such Education will always persist in all our endeavors.

Synergy is the Mantra of Rathinam College of Liberal Arts and Science at Rathinam @ Kovilpalayam. I am very sure through combined effort and attitude we can reach great heights as responsible business leaders and citizen of this great nation.

Dr. Madan A Sendhil

Chairman, Rathinam Group M.S Software Engineering From UCF – Orlando, Ph.D. from Anna University, Experienced as Software Project Manager -Motorola, USA, Received Award – Indian Power Entrepreneur – USA by Tamil Association.

Chairman's Message

“A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them.”

A visionary & philanthropist, who presaged to create an abode of learning, following the trails of his parents’ dream by transforming it into reality by sculpting a magnificent consortium to serve society in terms of education, employment and community living.

Dr Madan A Sendhil, Chairman of Rathinam Group is the mastermind behind the growth and progress of Rathinam group in the field of education, innovation, entrepreneurship and various enterprises. He is the leading light of Rathinam Group of Institutions, Rathinam IT Parks, Rathinam Shelters, SEZ and CEO of Atal Incubation Centre – Raise, India’s first Incubation Centre focusing on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Rathinam has risen to greater heights with his vision to bring a reformation in all these fields with his hardworking, selfless and prudent management.

He is a veteran with strong educational background, having completed his bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Coimbatore Institute of Technology in 1994. He went on to graduate Masters in Computer Engineering from the University of Central Florida in 1996 and relentlessly pursued PhD in Information & Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2019. From being an educationist, he accelerated his skill in entrepreneurship and the IT field with such expertise that he was awarded the title “Indian Power Entrepreneur” by Coimbatore Football Association, “Thannambikkai Star” by Thannambikkai Magazine and has been called the Technopreneur for his contribution in establishing SEZ in Rathinam.
From a humble beginning, he has grown by perseverance to work for various noble causes and envisions building a strong student community, endowed with innovative, creative, critical and forward-thinking professionals. He aspires to prepare a powerful student community who will be self-reliant, ethically and morally strong citizens for an ingenious, prosperous and peaceful world.

Under his leadership, Rathinam Group of education has earned superior accreditations such as NAAC and Autonomous status that has elevated Rathinam as one of the illustrious institutions in India.

As an educationist and an entrepreneur, Dr Madan has been lauded for his contribution; the UK Parliament has honoured him with the prestigious award- “The Leading Edupreneur of India”, in recognition of his service amongst the top-notch Indian businessmen.

As the Chairman of Rathinam Group, he spurs the same dynamism and exhilarates his characteristics to the Rathinam family with an absolute attitude to contribute to society through service in education & business.

Our Service

Creating a Lifelong Learning
Best Community

The Rathinam @ Kovilpalayam Campus Approach to Grading and Learning Process.

The Rathinam @ Kovilpalayam Institute emphasizes the continuity of the learning process rather than isolating the final exam as the only tool for measuring one’s knowledge. Grading is done throughout the semester, ensuring students participation and involvement in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

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Rathinam @ Kovilpalayam Campus Core Goals for global learning approach

The vision is based around our three core goals, which are, path-breaking teaching and learning, world-class innovation & creativity and institutional social responsibility thus making Rathinam @ Kovilpalayam Campus a unique place which transforms young minds and enables them to be responsible leaders.

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Career Growth & Greatest Achievement


Highest Salary Package


Highest Salary Package


ON/OFF Campus Drive


International Internships


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